Sample scenes are available in the zMayaTools-samples repository.
Deform > Copy Weights... | Copy weights between deformers |
Deform > Edit Blend Shape > Retarget Blend Shapes | Automatic blend shape retargetting |
Deform > Edit Blend Shape > Split Blend Shape | Split blend shapes into blended left and right halves |
Create > Rig Handle node | Clean, easy to select viewport rig handles |
Skeleton > Eye Rig node | A simple eye rig |
Skeleton > Validate Character | Detect common problems in character meshes and skinning |
Skin > Toggle Move Skinned Joints | Toggle Move Skinned Joints mode |
Control > Edit Controllers | Edit pick walk controllers |
Skeleton > Mouth Controller node | A controller and UI for simple mouth animation |
Key > Keyframe Bookmarks node | Save keyframes bookmarks, with quick navigation |
Texture > Create File Switch node | Switch between textures for viewport and rendering |
File > View Scene In Explorer | Show the current scene in File Explorer |
Shelf Menus | Show Maya shelves as menus |
zNode node | An empty DG node for storing custom data |
RMB > zAssignExistingMaterial | Better context menu material assignment |
RMB > Component Tags | Quick access to component tags |
zArnoldMetadata node | Generate metadata fields for Arnold renders |
Windows > Preferences > Hotkey Editor | Additional hotkeys |
Modify > Match Transformations > Match Position | Match the translation and rotation of nodes. |
Windows > Hide Output Window | Show or hide the Maya output window (through Maya 2020) |
Create > Curve Tools > zCreateCurve native node | Create a dynamic curve from a set of transforms |
zChooser node | Activate one output in a list |
zStringFormatter node | Use Python string formatting to generate string attributes |
Reorder attributes | Reorder channel box attributes |
zRBF node | A basic RBF solver |
Joint labelling | Quickly assign joint sides and labels |
Skin > Create Editable Joints | Create a proxy skeleton for editing bind positions |
Features marked with native require native plugins. These are currently only built for Windows.